Sweet Potato Spirit Company

Website development and migration to Shopify

It all begins with an idea.
An idea that perhaps your online channel can be your primary source of revenue. Data-driven decisions inform revenue growth. Our mission was to develop this solution.

The Growth Journey


The Sweet Potato Spirit Company have an incredibly unique product and wanted to grow sales from their online channel. A big challenge for them was the ability to manage their own site on a day-to-day basis but also the ability to observe the data from traffic to make judgements about their e-commerce journey. A complex, custom-built site with heavy investment was their current website solution. They wanted to replicate the look and feel of their current website but migrate to a provider with a more in-depth analytics backend.

We identified that the reporting required to identify future growth opportunities was achievable with our e-commerce partners in Shopify. The challenge would be to build a replica of their front-end code so that the site appeared almost identical on the homepage, for this we collaborated with our development team to custom code editable modules in a new ‘theme’ within Shopify. The development would allow for UX improvements on key pages to allow for better education and conversions.

Having worked very closely with the creative team on the project we delivered the project on the new platform. The team received in-depth training on managing the site from a growth perspective and more importantly the in-depth data we have been recording since the migration has allowed us to improve the conversion rate of the site, identify pages with higher bounce rates and create more commercial opportunity for this great drinks brand.


Koleda Solus


True Colours Tattoo