Koleda Solus


Kickstarting A Heating Revolution.

Growth Case Study

The Growth Journey


As this was a Kickstarter the brand and the product was brand new. We also had an incredibly short 7-day lead time to start the campaign as we were stepping into the project very late on. We had to find a way to generate interest, traffic and a mailing database for a product that wasn’t ready yet. 

We carved our approach into two periods of time, pre-campaign and though-campaign. Pre-campaign we’d focus entirely on awareness of the product and data capture (as the KS page wasn’t live). Through the campaign, we’d continue with the strategy but ad the additional element of direct traffic to increase brand awareness at the very top of the funnel.

The campaign was overfunded by 820%.
Our immediate involvement was a huge success, achieving huge numbers from a relatively low ad spend.


• Generated 4414 Emails Through Lead Gen
• Generated $430k Through Kickstarter
• Campaign Reach 36.8M+
• Campaign Impressions 6.5M+
• Clicks Generated 42815
• Campaign Spend: £7925
• Campaign Video Views 4.6M+
• Countries Engaged 69


Rebecca Rhoades Fashion


Sweet Potato Spirit Company