Getting Customers to Buy Your Brand Every Time

The biggest challenge facing businesses today is convincing customers to buy instead of browse.

After acquiring a potential customer, how can you get them to spend their money on your products and services, especially if you’re trading within a market saturated with online competitors? 

The answer is your branding. 

How Can I Give Potential Customers a Reason to Buy My Products? 

Your branding is what sets your business apart from all others like it. Other companies may be selling similar products to you, but your branding can make consumers trust, prefer, or even initially find your brand first. It is the unspoken voice of your business. 

Good branding is vital for your business to stand out in an increasingly noisy ‘digisphere’ and to show that you can provide the best solution to whatever problem your potential customers are facing. 

What Makes Branding Good Branding?

Your branding is part of every aspect of your business, from the colours, fonts, and imagery you use in your online web and ad design, to the wording you use in your product descriptions and newsletters. It’s the subliminal messaging built into your online assets and products that tells your customers who you are, how they should feel about your brand, and why they should buy your products.

Good branding should reflect your businesses values, benefits, and, most importantly, your target audience. It should speak to who you are selling to without isolating them. The tone of your branding should appeal to your potential customers, the copy should be written in language that they understand and use regularly, and imagery should be alluring.

Your branding should also appeal to the emotions of your audience. Design is highly tied to psychology, and you can use this to your benefit by using design to evoke a desired effect in your customers. Decide what you want people to feel when interacting with your products and stimulate this through your branding. 

Your web design and user experience will tell your customers something about your brand whether you want it to or not; ask yourself what you want that message to be and revisit your answer when making every decision about your branding.

How Do I Get My Customers to Buy, Not Browse?

One of the most overlooked ways of getting customers to buy your products online is the design and quality of your website. Your brand’s website is one of your most valuable assets, but if the quality is not up to scratch, it can damage your brand’s image in the eyes of your customers.

Make sure your website is easy and quick to use. If your website causes customers frustration, they will click off and find a similar product elsewhere. You want potential customers to find what they’re initially looking for as efficiently as possible, so you can guide them to other areas of your website where they can find more of what they like.

Optimise your website according to your user’s experience. Make sure the navigation follows the customer’s journey through the purchase. Use this to your advantage to drive sales by integrating calls to action in key areas or placing links to other pages of your website to keep them engaged as long as possible. Don’t give them the opportunity to go back to Google and start their search fresh– they may end up on your competitor’s website instead.

Make sure your copy makes sense– not just in terms of clarity, but also, does it fit your branding? Does it match your target audience? Does it compel your customers to buy? Never underestimate the power of words. In face-to-face sales, the sale is driven by the conversation between the customer and the salesperson. Online, it’s driven by the copy. 

Customers also buy based on logic and emotion, so you should be appealing to both. Brainstorm why your customers are looking for your product, and use the answers you come up with to guide your copy.

Identify pain points that your audience may be facing, and tell them how you can solve this pain for them. Make it easy for them to see and feel that your product is the best solution for them, so they don’t have to decide this for themselves. If your customers don’t have to think about whether they should buy or not, they will buy quicker. 

The better you understand the “why” behind a purchase, the better you can target new customers and retain those that already exist. 

How Do I Grow My Customer Base?

Growing your brand’s customer base is the best way to survive, thrive, and outlive your competition. You can have the best branding on the internet, but it won’t mean anything if you can’t reach any potential customers. If your customer base is stagnant, you can never grow as a brand.

The best way to grow your customer base is to add value to your brand by working with a team of growth marketers.

Growth marketers, like us at The Growth Guys, deliver targeted online ads directly to those who are already searching for a solution that you can provide in order to grow your customer base. This optimises your chances of selling a product or service every time your ad is seen.

Growth marketers also test what strategies lead to the most conversions for your business so you can stop funding what’s not working and focus on what is. This testing provides invaluable insight into your customer’s experience interacting with your brand. 

How Do I Get My Existing Customers to Purchase Again? 

The most often overlooked and cheapest way to grow your customer base is not to lose your existing customers in the first place. Customer retention ensures you're not taking one step forward and two steps backwards in your quest to grow your business. 

On average, it is five times cheaper to keep an existing customer engaged in your brand than to acquire a new customer, meaning only a 5% increase in your customer retention can lead to a 95% increase in profits.

Customer retention can be very simple if you work with growth marketers. Growth marketers use ads that have proven to work for you in the past to target your customers again across different online platforms. Doing so keeps your branding at the front of your customers' minds and reminds them of good experiences they've had with you in the past, so the next time they go to buy, they think of you first. Retargeting past customers through online ads also increases the opportunity for a customer already interested in your products to make an impulse sale. 

At The Growth Guys, we focus on growing our partners' online assets, user bases, and revenue through the acquisition, retention, and retargeting of their customers. 

If you're ready to grow better, not just bigger, CLICK HERE to see what an award-winning growth marketing agency can do for your business.


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